Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...mmg x dinafikan perjumpaan MDCT, Aizoners Peninsular and Aizoners Brunei di Red Box Karaoke gamat banget!!!...Seronok giler Cuki dgr cite masing2 yg hadir...sayang seribu sayang Cuki x dpt nak join mlm tu atas tuntutan keje...but anyway enough of me whining...post kali ni is more on the pictures that managed to grab my attention that night...tak sangka kaum kerabatku mampu posing yg amat bersahaja di hadapan lensa camera...cantik sgt colour dan angle nyer, mmg si Izwa ni boleh diasah menjadi photographer yg berwibawa satu hari nnt...Anyway, here are the piccas, ENJOY!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Husna is 3 years old!

It's Husna's Birthday.. Happy Birthday Sweetie..
We, your family loves you tremendously!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Need Advice From U Bloodlines...

Assalamualaikum bloodlines ku semua...Harap2 Cuki takdelah mengaco deme'e nyer keje ke ape lah ekk...lama juga rasenyer dh x menyampaikan coretan dlm blog ni, sbb sll mata ni dijamu dgn birthday wish yg x dinafikan mmg rancak dipostkan dlm blog ni...Tp kali ni Cuki nk post sikitlah kat sini...ade masalah sket ni sebenarnyer...bukan masalah besar lah, tp kalau tak dibendungkan dier ade potensi untuk menjadi besar...Bukannya nak meraih simpati ataupon nak menggedik dlm blog ni ekk, tp mmg Cuki harapkan pandangan korang dlm hal Cuki ni...Begini ceritanya...

Pejam celik pejam celik rupa2nya dah 8 bulan dah Cuki keje kat Tan Chong a.k.a Nissan Malaysia ni...secara keseluruhannya mmg boleh dikatakan keje kat sini mmg challenginglah sikit, yerlahkan keje dgn Chinese entirely, diorang ni mmg pentingkan keje dulu dari keluarga...so kalo boleh dier nk kita yg minority ni ikut and kalau boleh adaptkan terus work ethics diorang tu kat kita ni, bagus tu sebenarnyer, at least mengajar kita tak membuang masa dan lebih produktif dan kompetitif bila bekerja...Tp yg tak syoknya, sekarang ni Cuki dah rase lain macam sket dgn what i'm doing now...And perasaan ni sedikit sebanyak affect my personality a bit, i realised that i'm not a cheerful and jovial person that i used to be, kat kepala ni asyik memikirkan apalah lagi bende nak aku buat kat ofis ni...jd i tend tu byk pk je skrg ni, even kalau lepak ngan korang pon tup2 mesti kepala tu akan berserabut balik, and membuatkan i prefer to be alone and away from everyone or too anxious to meet korang semua walaupon takde bende nak dikongsi...dah 8 bulan ni kan, Cuki perasan yg Cuki mcm kene titik kat sini, semua bende berkaitan promotional stuffs (graphically i mean) Cuki kene buat from scratch ALL THE TIME...it's not that i don't know how to do it, but somehow i can sense that i will never branch out from this thing if i dont act out about its boring demands, balik2 pagi dtg opis terus hadap PC sampailah i dont know when my quitting time will be, every single day has been the same since my first week...and it's sickening...and not to mention the environment, being the sole Malay here mmg buat Cuki rase left-out most of the time...and this has made me tak looking forward langsung nk gi keje...Tp memikirkan Cuki ni pon dah 25 and memikirkan what will Ayah and the whole family thinks kalau Cuki x bekerja, mmg sakit ahh kan?...So tabahkan diri and continue jugaklah...Tapi sekarang the thing that i'm doing ni mmg dah bosan giler for me...i've been doing this thing since habis sekolah sampailah sekarang...boleh dikatakan yg Cuki dah paham dah selok-belok advertising line ni...

What i'm very keen to do now is a job that requires me to go and be out there and meet with people while at the same time i managed to broaden my horizon by seeing and exploring new places at the same time, and gained good income out of it too...keje ape lah tu agaknyer ekk? Ntahlah...Dok ofis lama2 ni mmg tak tahanlah...Cuki ade jugak planning yg bila dah genap setahun kat Tan Chong ni nnt Insyallah, i want to speak with my Manager and explained about what i truly want to do from that moment on...Cuki cadangkan nak tukar sket my work scope into something that requires me to go out there and undertsand the whole entire big picture of what this business is all about in full totality...kalau x pon setakat memahami commercial status and popularity of Nissan cars pon jadilah...at least i know i'll have the chance to learn new things and get to know more people in order for me to grow as a decent person...So plzzzzz wahai bloodlines ky semua, I really need some useful inputs in this one, coz i know my bloodlines are all experienced professionals in ur own respectable league and field, and most important of all, apart from my own family members that i truly trust, i TRUST EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU too...korang dikira ayah/mak/abang/kakak/adik Cuki jugak...i really need some guidance in deciding what will my first cause of action has to be in order to get what i want now...THANX A LOT ekk korang...sorrylah kalau post ni panjang or draggy, but it is very sincere and i really need all of you right now :((....til then, have a joyous day ahead....LOVE U GUYS LOADS!!!

p/s: PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ dont mention any of this to De Nadzam and De Ela (sisters, jgn bagi tau Ayah n Mama okay?, I dont mind kene nag ngan korang but plzzzzzz i dont want any nagging from them) okay???....and do leave any comments kat comment box instead of our loveable shoutbox okay?....Thanx again guys!!!...:)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Selamat Hari Lahir Mak@MakItam

Myspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsGlitter GraphicsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace CodesMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace CodesMyspace BackgroundsMyspace Codes, Myspace Graphics

Hari ini adalah hari lahir makitam according dia punyer IC.. tapi yg sebenarnye makitam cakap hari lahir dia bukan hari ni.. dia seniri pun tak ingat..actually birth cert dia hilang dlm banjir besar tahun brp ntah maybe AC alid ingat kot .. then bila dia nak buat IC baru..so org kat JPN tu main agak2 letak DOB dia berpandu kan cerita dia.. so arakiannyer DOB makitam yg sebenar tidak lah di ketahui.. even dlm family kami pun jarang kami ingat tarikh ni, kami selalunyer akan menggunakan mothers day utk celebrate or wish dia.. but anyway since date ni dah tertulis dlm IC dia secara officialnyer maka eloklah saya sebagai wakil keluarga saya utk mengucapkan
semoga mak di panjang kan umur, di murahkan rezeki dan di lindungi ALLAH selalu,
semoga mak di beri kesihatan yg baik selalu,
semoga mak sentiasa sabar dan tabah dlm mengharungi dugaan yg ALLAH berikan kepada kita,
semoga mak sentiasa dpt menjaga abah dgn baik,
semoga mak sentiasa dpt memberi tunjuk ajar dan bimbingan kepada kami adik beradik,
semoga mak sentiasa ADA utk kami dlm susah dan senang..
Tiada KATA-KATA yg dpt menggambar rasa bersyukur, terimakasih kami utk MAK yg telah melahirkan, membesarkan dan membimbingkan kami sehingga ke hari ini
kami bersyukur di kurniakan mak seperti mak, mak adalah terbaik bagi kami

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Glitter GraphicsMyspace LayoutsGlitter GraphicsMyspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsMyspace BackgroundsMyspace BackgroundsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Layouts

"F" aithful.
"A" lways there.
"T" rustworthy.
"H" onoring.
"E" ver-loving.
"R" ighteous.
"S" upportive.


To all father's dalam MDCT family...since zana nak balik raub ari ni...n father's day esok..so tak leh la nak wat post esk..so zana wat post utk father's day ari ni...ok....HAPPY FATHER's DAY to all the father in MDCT n terutamenye..my only one and only handsome hero n FATHER...BABAH...along,nani, n zana LOVE YOU SO MUCH...you give us all the love...along,nani,n zana will always n forever love you...Babah...u never failed to give us the best...n I love babah very much not just because he is my babah but because he gave me my life. And I know that he would give his for mine any day. BABAH I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!! I am so glad n happy that ALLAH send you as my father...u are the best thing that happen in my life..n yg paling penting sekali is...u gave us the best teaching in life which is ISLAM..zana doa kan babah di dunia dan akhirat...may allah bless u with all the thing yg babah buat di jalanNYA...BABAH......ALONG,NANI,N ZANA LOVE YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!tak tercakap bnyknye~~~~~ ok lah bye salam...

My dad might not save lives like a doctor or a fire fighter but he is still my hero.
He might not be the greatest dad in the world but he is in mine.
We have a special relationship beyond father and daughter.
I know that he might think that I don’t like him at some point or another.
But the truth is that I do and even though I don’t show it, I still do.
I am my dads little girl and will always be.
No matter what I say or do I would always want to be.
I know that the years are going by so fast and it’s hard for him to let me go.
But, dad you need to see that I am all grown up now.
It is time for me to face the world by myself, to fall on my knees and get back up.
It might be hard for you to see me cry but remember that I will be okay because you made me who I am.
You thought me to never give up, to fight for what I want, to stand up for what I believe and most important for me to be me.
So please dad don’t worry I will be fine.
I know that you are right by my side and that you will be there to catch my fall.
But, you need to let me fall, let me make my mistakes and learn from them.
Don’t get me wrong I don’t want you ouD t of my life; I would never want that.
I love you dad and I am thankful to ALLAH that you are my DAD.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Apabila AC Alid Takde Keje

sian my dad..si AC Alid tuh..
while aiza and kak anne was talking to mama kat living room..
our dad yang cartoon itu dengan gembiranya dalam bilik..
telah berchatting dengan YM..
so kat sini aiza pastekan apa yang ayah tulis..
hanya conversation yang menggunakan huruf besar & kaler putih sahaja merupakan nukilan sebenar kak anne..
yang lain semua my dad Mr Khalid Mat Din yang study oversea tuh yang tulis ..
tulisan yang senget tuh semua ayahku nye keje

GroovyChick: kalo shinshu uni baik pegi uni.p.p..tau tak dimane?
KakakGhue: tau di pintu padang
GroovyChick: pandai pun kakak aku..aku ingat kau ni bodoh sikit
KakakGhue: tak le bodoh..tapi kadang biul
GroovyChick: serupa lah dgn aku..aku selalu blur
KakakGhue: ngape kita tak macam ayah yg cerdik, pandai dan creative
GroovyChick: tah lah tapi susah nak jadi macam dia tu..only one in the world
KakakGhue: tp ayah kita tu cam perasan je laaa
KakakGhue: its all abt him

GroovyChick: tapi tak dapat dinafi dia memang terror n cun..ngape kita tak ikut dia eh?
GroovyChick: bukan aiza perasaan..tapi itulah yg sebenornya
KakakGhue: Tak guna gi belajar oversea tapi tak tahu nak plug in printer cable
KakakGhue: podah
GroovyChick: ala kalau ayah tu yg tak reti oklah..tapi aku ade degree dlm it kat UTM..but then ayah kita study oversea..memang terrorlah
KakakGhue: podahhhh...
GroovyChick: oklah ayah aku nak pakai komputer ni..bye2

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Myspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsMyspace LayoutsMyspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsMyspace BackgroundsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace CodesMyspace LayoutsMyspace Codes, Myspace GraphicsMyspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsGlitter GraphicsMyspace Text Generator, Myspace GraphicsGlitter GraphicsMyspace CodesMyspace Layouts


Semalam 9 Jun hari jadi Cik Mus yg ke 41...kalu tak silap la.....Kitorg nak wish hepppppyyyyyyyyyy burstdayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Cik Mus....Semoge Cik Mus sehat selalu n murah rezeki...kalu ade lebey2 tu kasi la kat kitorg sket...hehehehe...satu pesanan dari acu....selalu2 la jogging supaya perut kempis....n satu lagi...jage tok bebaik k.....WE ALL LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!