Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy bitrhday kak anne!!

Di sini aku ingin mengucapkan Happy, Happiest, Happy Deepavali!! Eh! Silap Happy Birthday buat sedara tersayang Kak Anne dengan ucapan Semoga panjang umur dan sihat selalu

Ps: 30 rasa macam semalam kau baru jer 29 :)

Saturday, November 24, 2007


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Happy birthday MAK!!!!!! May ALLAH bless you n shower you with all HIS blessings. No words can describe how much we love you and how much we treasure your love. Thank you so much for always being with along, nani, n zana whenever we needed you. Mak, you never neglected your duties to remind us all 4 to be close to ALLAH, and that is the most important thing. We all love you so much that we seldom say it to you.....:)LOVE YOU MAK!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for being such a great mother to us and wife to babah.

I learned about love from you,
Watching your caring ways.
I learned about joy from you
In fun-filled yesterdays.

From you I learned forgiving
Of faults both big and small.
I learned what I know about living
From you, as you gave life your all.

The example you set is still with me
I'd never want any other.
I'm thankful for all that you taught me,
And I'm blessed to call you "Mother."


Happy birthday NANI....I am happy and very thankful to Allah to have you as my sister. Thank you for being a wonderful and understanding sister although sometimes you might be so bossy, but that is sister all about.This might sound weird, but we LOVE YOU NANI!!!!!You meant a lot to us nani...may ALLAH guide you to the straight path and give what is the best for you..LOVE YOU NANI!!!!!

She knows the things I dream of...
The places where I've been
She accepts the person I've become.
She's a very special friend.
She's always been there for me.
No matter where I roam,
And whenever we're together,
It's just like being home.

Special Birthday Lines for Pn. Raihana Wanchik a.k.a Kak Ana/Cik Ana

Kita hayati luahan ikhlas De Ela/Cik La khas buat kakaknya sempena hari lahirnya untuk tahun ni...


Ibu telah lama meninggalkan kita,
Buat selama-lamanya,
Achi sebagai kakak dan ibu saya,
Tempat mengadu,
Menumpang kasih selain suami,
Hidup ini sempurna,
Dengan adanya suami dan achi,

Kita seperti rapatnya isi dan kuku,
Membincangkan segala sudut kehidupan,
Sifat-sifat ini YA ALLAH perkenankanlah,
Hidup subur di hati, jiwa dan sanubari,
Achi dan aku,
YA ALLAH kekalkanlah sifat kemesraan,
Dalam jasad sealiran darah ini,
Sampai ke akhir hayat kami,

Sempena hari lahir ini,
Aku doakan achi sihat walafiat,
Aman damai dalam satu keluarga,
Yang dilimpahi rahmat dan nikmat,
Oleh Subahanahuwataala.

Ikhlas dari ~ Ela dan Keluarga"

Buat niece yang tersayang, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANI...from Cik La and Family!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

happy birthday acik a.k.a mijah

Happy besday acik a.k.a mijah. dah 22 tahun rupanya. Seperti biasa adk (dek ah) diwakilkan oleh family utk wish happy besday. semoga apa yang dihajatkan akan dimakbulkan. acik yang selalu layan kerenah kita org sbb perangai acik yg "cool" tu. tu yang best tu. tak nak puji lebih-lebih nanti kembang pulak. so we wish you good luck in ur final exam n may god bless you.
hugs n kiss from me....
we all love you so much.......
from : mak,abah,along,abg mahzan, anyah, me(dek ah) n ajey....
hadiah post pon dua taun dr sekarang k!!! :P

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nuriman Najmi....You've made us all proud yet again...:D

Alhamdulillah!!!!...Itulah reaction ikhlas Cuki bila diberitahu oleh De Nadzamnya yang Najmi telah berjaya mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam UPSR. After gaining 9A's in her UPSRA, Najmi sekali lagi putting some smiles on our faces dengan memperolehi keputusan straight 5A's pulak!!!...As a REWARD, De Nadzam akan menghadiahkan sebuah LAPTOP untuk Najmi (oouuuhhhkkkkhhhhh tidaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk!!!!!....;P)... can't imagine how proud the whole family sekarang ni...I always have my highest confidence in this bright girl, mmg tak sia2 Along Ayu and Abg Munshinya siang malam monitoring progress Najmi...I Guess HARD WORK and PATIENCE really pays vibrantly in the end...Mak Tok, Mak Long Jian, Mak Long Dean, Pak Long Izam, Mak Ngah Mema, Pak Cik Cuki, Nazra and Nadzrin dan semua warga MDCT ARE VERY10X PROUD OF YOU!!!...Agaknyer ke manalah sekolah pilihan Mimi untuk melanjutkan alam sekolah menengah ekk?...Dgr cerita Aminuddin Baki yerr???...Update2 lah kita di perjumpaan besar2an Sabtu nnt ok...So kepada adik2 kita, contoh terbaik dah ade depan mata untuk dijadikan inspirasi untuk korang berusaha dgn lebih gigih untuk mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam pelajaran...I'm sure korang pon boleh dapat results cam Najmi jugak Insyaallah...and Along Ayu nyer bolehlah demand sket from Ayah for a 'CELEBRATION'....hahahahaha...Keep up the excellent job Najmi, and Selamat Melangkah Ke Alam Sekolah Menengah pulakkkk...;)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Dapatkan TestiGoodLuck Di sini



GOOD LUCK FROM ALL MDCT, Semua warga MDCT mendoakan kejayaan Amin, Zana n Dek Ah
dalam exam SPM yg start esk.. Buat yang terbaik..baca doa byk2 sblm jwb, jgn panic time jwb..relaxxxx... yg pntg result KASI GEGAR.....Insyaallah GOD BLESS U ALL...

Dapatkan TestiGoodLuck Di sini

Monday, November 05, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On the 5th of november 1958, a boy named MOHD ROZLAN BIN AHMAD TAJUDDIN was born. He is the first son of couple AHMAD TAJUDDIN & JAMILAH MAT DIN. He is a wonderful & responsible boy...and now...he grew up became a wonderful & responsible son, husband, father, brother, uncle, cousin and the most important is servant of ALLAH insyallah....Babah.. we would like you to know how special you are to us, mak, along, nani,n zana. We are so thankful to have you as the LEADER in the family.. you gave us THE BEST and u never failed to encourage us to be a better person. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABAH!!!!!!

Ever since my life began,
I realized that "You da man!"
I saw your wisdom, your courage too,
And I learned I could rely on you.

Your tolerant nature was really great;
Nevertheless, you'd not hesitate
To let me know when I'd been bad
It must have been hard, but that's being a dad.

You're strong and smart and filled with love--
A gift to me from up above.
So here's a greeting from your biggest fan:
Happy Birthday, Dad, cause "You da man!"