Saturday, April 05, 2008

Nur Nadia Roslynna's 10th Birthday!!!

Cuki dan semua warga MDCT di sini ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk wish 'HEPI BESDAY' (credits to Faisal AF6 ;P) to anak sulung si Dean and Izam, si Nadia. Cepat betol masa berlalu tup2 dah 10 tahun dah nadia this year...dah peringkat awal alam remaja dah tu, dah 2 digits...Therefore Nadia, we hope Nadia will continue to be the fun, jovial girl you are now and dah kene start tolong2 Mama and Baba sket2 kat rumah tu okay?...Dengar segala cakap Mama and Baba tau, sbb semua bende yg diorang soh Nadia buat dan ikut tu sebenarnyer adelah untuk kebaikan Nadia jugak...Be good example to Aryssa and Haiqal, because they will always look up kat Nadia as their Big Sister...til then, have a BLAST for your birthday today and stay cool ok...C YA!!!