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Tanggal 28 December 2006 ini genaplah sudah usia Ayahku yg ke 64 tahun...Semoga jasa Ayah kepada kami semua ni termasuklah anak2 buah dan juga cucu2 akan sentiasa mendapat keberkatan dari ALLAH s.w.t. dan diharapkan umur dan rezeki dipanjangkan dan dimurahkan sekali...Eventhough chances of you reading this is pretty slim (But that won't stop me to show it to you on my PC at home ;P), but i think it's not an odd action for me to let other people and even the whole wide world to know how much we DEARLY LOVE YOU and we're hoping for nothing but the optimal best in every single actions and judgements you do and may 2007 menjanjikan lebih ketenangan dan keberkatan dalam hidup Ayah...til then, hope today will be a blast and behold for more future joys to come...LOVE YOU AYAH!!! (Hugs n Kisses) ....
Udah diberi baca...dier happy giler...kat luar dier maintain composure tp cuki budget kat dlm hati dier confirm penuh emosi...;P
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